Writing 'The Spirit' is really fun.
Characters work really well when they're reflective of the times that they're operating in.
It's depicted in comics as, like, this gung-ho, 'Let's die in battle, in glory' idea, because that's just the genre we're in. But that's not what war really is.
Paris is wild; it's decadent... it's so many things.
I'm interested in damaged people because we've all been roughed up in one way or another.
Why do something that's already been done?
If you read any sort of, like, military general autobiographies or biographies, most of them never wanted to fight, you know? It's necessary. War is necessary.
We finished 'Spaceman,' and before we were even done with that, we had already been talking about what we were going to do next.
I think portraying the Joker's point of view would do a disservice to that character. As soon as you get inside his head he would lose so much power.
I like everything that is wrong about Chicago.
For me, a story always goes out of a mistake. Somebody makes a mistake, and that becomes the story. Probably that explains why my series are kind of dark: because there's a problem to begin with.
I think, personally, it's our flaws that define us to us - or maybe it's just me.
I'm kind of a graphic novel ambassador.
I'm always interested in using comics in different ways.
Once you're president, there's blood on your hands - there's no way around it.
I think a lot of superheroes seem to have the same value system; they just have a different costume. They're all doing exactly the same thing.
These are the kinds of stories I'm really interested in telling: bad stories about bad people, I'm comfortable with.
I know '100 Bullets' is not what traditionally people think of as comics.
When I was writing about Gotham in 'Broken City,' I was writing about Chicago. I just substituted the names.
People have told me that the dialogue in '100 Bullets' is very realistic. I don't agree.
I have a reputation for writing all kinds of hard-core, violent things.
Nobody's angry all the time, unless you're a psycho.
Denny O'Neil did some great things with Joker - I thought Greg Rucka used him really well in 'Gotham Central.'
I'm usually done working by Happy Hour.