I'm not sure if being known opened or closed doors for me.
My celebrity has held steady since the day I began acting. I don't view it as celebrity. I'm just a worker.
Nothing surprises me when it comes to people in the entertainment business.
Twitter is the marriage of full-tilt narcissism and full-tilt voyeurism that has finally collided in 140 words.
The act of song writing and recording became one and the same to me; because I essentially recorded everything I did from the day I began trying to write songs. I've always had a lot to say. I'd always written poems.
We actually might get a lot of letters and phone calls from normal society.
If at the end of the year you want to be in this race, you've got to start stepping up and getting wins.
Whatever's good for the team. If that's what they want me to do, that's what I'll do. If they want me to be the PAT holder, I'll be the PAT holder. If they want me to return punts, I'll return punts.
Oh, absolutely. We have all the faith in the world in Brad. He's a winner. Brad will find a way to get it done.
Only one that's lasted 34 years, six months and five days. A lot of comedians are really angry people, and they deal with rage through being acerbic, subversive, in a funny way. It's just a way to sublimate what could be a lot uglier.
He basically was curious and wanted to see where and what the storm drain systems were all about. So he decided to take a little expedition in the storm drain systems of Pima County and learn a lesson the hard way.
It seems like there was a lot of not being on the same page. It's something we need to get fixed.
It's nice to get to work with a clear mind...
Obviously, it's not a performance that we're proud of. But nobody's going in the tank, or giving up. We're going to come out next week and have a lot of our problems fixed.