..the sort of white crepe dough with which the person is thickly buttered in the 'Haute Pâtes' series, Dubuffet made in 1946 was, by its proximity to the tar, dyed the color of burnt bread like a used Meerschaum pipe.
People Are Much More Beautiful Than They Think: Long Live Their True Face.
What interests me about thoughts is not the moment when it crystallizes into formal ideas but its earlier stages.
Fautrier's exhibition in Paris 1945 made an extremely strong impression on me. Art had never before appeared so fully realised in its pure state. The word 'art' had never before been so loaded with meaning for me.
A work of art is only of interest, in my opinion, when it is an immediate and direct projection of what is happening in the depth of a person's being.. ..It is my belief that only in this Art Brut can we find the natural and normal processes of artistic creation in their pure and elementary state.
It pleased me (and I think this predilection is more or less constant in all my paintings) to juxtapose brutally, in these feminine bodies, the extremely general and the extremely particular, the metaphysical and the grotesque trivial. In my view, the one is considerably reinforced by the presence of the other. on his series 'Corps de Dame'
I took a great deal of pleasure in it, and I still feel nostalgic about it. However, I felt that it had led me to live in a parallel world of pure invention, shut inside my solitude. Naturally, it was precisely for that purpose that it was made and that was why I took pleasure in it, but I wanted to regain body and roots.
The role of the artist.. ..and the poet is precisely to blur normal categories, to disrupt them, and by doing so restore to the eyes and the mind ingenuity and freshness.
For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.
Art does not lie down on the bed that is made for it; it runs away as soon as one says its name; it loves to go incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what it is called.
There are too many cogitations on Theory.. ..it is the malady of the epoch.. .Into the fire with Levi-Strauss and Michel Foucault!
..to challenge the objective nature of being. The notion of being is presented here as relative rather than irrefutable: it is merely a projection of our minds, a whim of our thinking. The mind has the right to establish being wherever it cares to and for as long as it likes. There is no intrinsic difference between being and fantasy.
I associated it the word 'Hourloupe', as title of his longest series of work he made exclusively from 1962 to 1974 by assonance with 'hurler' (to shout), hululer (to howl), loup, (wolf), 'Riquet à la Houppe' and the title of Maupassant's book ‘Le Horla’, inspired by mental distraction.
I have tried to draw the human effigy (and all the other subjects dealt with in my paintings) in an immediate and effective way without any reference to the aesthetic.
What an adventure you have thrown me into! Nothing was farther from my thoughts than doing portraits! Now it's all I think about.. ..and i's all your handiwork
Man's need for art is absolutely primordial, as strong as, and perhaps stronger than, our need for bread. Without bread, we die of hunger, but without art we die of boredom.
..I have never managed to grasp what exactly 'pataphysics' consisted of; but in short what I have always seen in it is a desire to disconnect philosophy from the discipline of logic, and to admit incoherence as a legitimate component of it. comment on visiting frequently the Collège de 'Pataphysique'
The painting will not be looked at passively, not embraced all at once by an observer's immediate gaze. But relived in its elaboration, remade by thought and if I dare say reacted.. .All the gestures made by the painter, he the observer feels them reproduced in him.
children's art is completely opposed to what interests me, because it's an effort to assimilate culture..
I have always been haunted by the feeling that the painter has much to gain from making use of the forces that tend to work against his action
Art should be born from the materials.
What I expect from any work of art is that it surprises me, that it violates my customary valuations of things and offers me other, unexpected ones.
The eye perceives what is hard and what is soft, what is porous and what is impervious, what is warm to the touch and what is cold.
Our culture is like a garment that does not fit us, or in any case no longer fits us. This culture is like a dead language that no longer has anything in common with the language of the street. It is increasingly alien to our lives.