My death, taking the light from my eyes, gives back to the day the purity which they soiled.
Jean Racine -
I have everything, yet have nothing; and although I possess nothing, still of nothing am I in want.
Jean Racine
Hâtons-nous aujourd'hui de jouir de la vie. Qui sait si nous serons demain?
Jean Racine -
Dieu des Juifs, tu l'emportes!
Jean Racine -
A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt.
Jean Racine -
Ce n'est plus une ardeur dans mes veines cachée:C'est Vénus tout entière à sa proie attachée.
Jean Racine -
Pour réparer des ans l'irréparable outrage.
Jean Racine -
There are no secrets that time does not reveal.
Jean Racine
According as the man is, so must you humour him.
Jean Racine -
Tout m'afflige et me nuit, et conspire à me nuire.
Jean Racine -
L'innocence enfin n'a rien à redouter.
Jean Racine -
Do not they bring it to pass by knowing that they know nothing at all?
Jean Racine -
Love is not a fire to be shut up in a soul. Everything betrays us: voice, silence, eyes; half-covered fires burn all the brighter.
Jean Racine -
C'est toi qui l'as nommé.
Jean Racine
Without money honor is merely a disease.
Jean Racine -
If I could believe that this was said sincerely, I could put up with anything.
Jean Racine -
Je l'ai trop aimé pour ne le point haïr!
Jean Racine -
On the throne, one has many worries; and remorse is the one that weighs the least.
Jean Racine -
There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it with reluctance.
Jean Racine -
Is a faith without action a sincere faith?
Jean Racine
Derrière un voile, invisible et présente,J'étais de ce grand corps l'âme toute-puissante.
Jean Racine -
Ainsi que la vertu, le crime a ses dégrés;Et jamais on n'a vu la timide innocencePasser subitement à l'extrême licence.
Jean Racine -
A tragedy need not have blood and death; it's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of tragedy.
Jean Racine -
Ariane, ma sœur, de quel amour blessée,Vous mourûtes aux bords où vous fûtes laissée.
Jean Racine