Nobody has any security in loving me.
I tried to make myself as pretty as possible and even then I thought I was ugly. I found it madly difficult to go out, to show myself.
You can be barefoot and have worries.
Films have never shown the kind of relationship that can exist between two women.
Now, if there was one woman in the world who didn't need publicity, who always had too much publicity, it was me.
I never left France for Hollywood nor stashed my money in Switzerland.
Fame had brought me so much unhappiness.
We must boycott fur coats as well as all the accessories.
I have a gruff character.
I left a world in which I was a queen to enter one in which I'm a human being.
It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without wanting to be.
I don't have the time or the desire to gaze at my navel.
I don't see how a socialist government can tolerate hunting on horseback. The people who do this are snobs; they're very well-to-do.
They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself.
I regret nothing.
I never had trouble saying what I have to say.
All of my causes, including the most radical, are motivated by the defense of animals.
Vadim was both my teacher and my husband. I placed myself entirely in his hands.
My parents gave me a strict upbringing, which at times has caused me to suffer distress but today I am grateful to them for it.
I know it's horrible to have to admit that, but I'm not adult enough to take care of a child.
I gave my beauty and my youth to men. I am going to give my wisdom and experience to animals.
I am not finding pregnancy much of a joy. I am afraid of childbirth, but I am afraid I can't find a way of avoiding it.
We have to convince the people of Bucharest, who are dog lovers, to treat dogs like they treat their children and not just let them roam the streets.
Do you have to have a reason for loving?