When our Marines, sent to Lebanon on a multinational peacekeeping mission with the consent of the United States Congress, were murdered in their sleep, the 'blame America first crowd' didn't blame the terrorists who murdered the Marines, they blamed the United States. But then, they always blame America first. . . . The American people know better.
When Marxist dictators shoot their way into power in Central America, the San Francisco Democrats don't blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies. They blame United States policies of 100 years ago. But then they always blame America first.
I believe that detente was having almost the opposite effect of what was intended. What was intended was to sort of end the contest for power and to stop Soviet expansion, especially by military means and the military build-up, the military contest.
Solidarity was the movement that turned the direction of history, I think.
A government is not legitimate merely because it exists.
Vietnam presumably taught us that the United States could not serve as the world’s policeman; it should also have taught us the dangers of trying to be the world’s midwife to democracy when the birth is scheduled to take place under conditions of guerrilla war.
There is an absolutely fundamental hostility on the part of totalitarian regimes toward religion.
And now, the American people, proud of our country, proud of our freedom, proud of ourselves, will reject the San Francisco Democrats and send Ronald Reagan back to the White House.
I was a woman in a man's world. I was a Democrat in a Republican administration. I was an intellectual in a world of bureaucrats. I talked differently. This may have made me a bit like an ink blot.
Democracy not only requires equality but also an unshakable conviction in the value of each person, who is then equal.
A doctrine of class war seemed to provide a solution to the problem of poverty to people who know nothing about how wealth is created.
And I have no doubt that the American people generally believe the world is safer, and that we are safer, when we are stronger.
I think that there is absolutely no free market in modern industrial states.
Cross cultural experience teaches us not simply that people have different beliefs, but that people seek meaning and understand themselves in some sense as members of a cosmos ruled by God.
Neither nature, experience, nor probability informs these lists of 'entitlements', which are subject to no constraints except those of the mind and appetite of their authors.
We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.
What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving.
I think that it's always appropriate for Americans and for American foreign policy to make clear why we feel that self-government is most compatible with peace, the well-being of people, and human dignity.
I always assume that democracy is the only good form of government, quite frankly, and democracy is always to be preferred.
Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits. (for democracy) In Britain, the road to (democratic government) took seven centuries to traverse .
Russia is playing chess, while we are playing Monopoly. The only question is whether they will checkmate us before we bankrupt them.
And I think detente had manifestly failed, and that the pursuit of it was encouraging Soviet expansion and rendering the world more dangerous, and especially rendering the Western world in greater peril.
Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is.
There is no pure free-market economy.