When it's good it's great, it's really great.
I'll probably at some point get involved in Instagram and things like that because I feel it's reality, and it's the way people communicate.
I'll do a strong eye or a strong lip - but both together? Not so much.
I had a good time working with Russell Crowe, Ron Howard and Ed Harris. It was a great cast and Russell worked really hard, doing tons of research and questioning everything.
I'm really blessed. I love my job. Love going to work. I just love it. I love getting it, I love preparing for it. I love the whole process. I love the whole ritual. I'm really very lucky. Lucky girl.
The thing that really matters to me is well-being and happiness. Maybe it comes from knowing people who have tortured themselves trying to meet these strangely narrow and rigorous definitions of what our culture thinks is beautiful.
I didn't expect to win the Oscar. You grow up watching the Oscars on TV and you think it happens to fancy people. It was really surreal.
Nobody wants to get rid of their life experiences - you are who you are because of them, no matter if they're good or bad.
I can't comment on any outside perception. I'm happy to come out and talk about movies that I've worked on in a setting like this. Otherwise, I have my own life that I live which is very different and private.
I've chosen not to live in Hollywood, and instead I live in Brooklyn, New York. It's how I like to live. I'd rather hang out with my kids and family when I'm not working. Going to premieres is not my idea of a fun night out.
As I get older, I have a clearer sense of what's important to me.
The biggest thing for me is wanting my kids to grow up safely and have happy lives. To me, that's enough.
I look very serious. I look stern even when I'm not stern. If I'm not feeling cross, I look a little bit cross. I can't help it. It's just my face.
Becoming a mother has made all the difference in terms of learning to take more responsibility for myself and my life. Parenthood changed the way I do everything.
I try to do a lot of research beforehand so I know where I want to go with a scene. I try not to get too stressed about it, because I find that's the worst thing.
It's funny looking at yourself. You know how it is when you look back at old pictures? It's just funny looking back at yourself walking and talking at age 14.
Dark Water was one of my favourite films to shoot because of Walter. I had seen the previous films he had directed, Central Station and Motorcycle Diaries, and I thought they were great. I really trusted him.
If you get too attached to how you want it to come out the other side, you freeze. I try to trust that it will work out in the end.
I was kind of a tomboy.
I do finish reading a script and say, Why are they making it and what are they talking about? I like to try and be responsible in my choices in that way.