Leadership cannot just go along to get along. Leadership must meet the moral challenge of the day.
No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams.
I think reconciliation is Obama's goal - but the fight with the Republicans is like a fight with pit bulls, they never let go. Even worse, now the Republicans feel they can keep pushing and he will keep giving. They have not seen a stiff resistance on his part.
Statehood for the District of Columbia is the most important civil rights and social justice issue in America today.
If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.
Our dreams must be stronger than our memories. We must be pulled by our dreams, rater than pushed by our memories.
America needs young people to be inspired to choose sacrifice over greed.
At the end of the day, we must go forward with hope and not backward by fear and division.
I had to steal to survive.
I cast my bread on the waters long ago. Now it's time for you to send it back to me - toasted and buttered on both sides.
A man must be willing to die for justice. Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds live forever.
I am somebody. I am a somebody. I am a child of God. I may not be educated but I am somebody. I may not have any money but I am somebody. I may not eat steak every day but I am somebody. I may not look the way you look but I am somebody.
Most blacks will argue that they excel because of hard work, because of intellect, determination, sweat, blood, tears and risk.
The American people on the ground need a clearer, stronger, Lyndon B. Johnson-type voice from their president.
My very first recollection of life on earth was waking up in bed with my mother, and she was showing me a picture of my father, Charles Jackson, with a group of soldiers.
Urban America has been redlined. Government has not offered tax incentives for investment, as it has in a dozen foreign markets. Banks have redlined it. Industries have moved out, they've redlined it. Clearly, to break up the redlining process, there must be incentives to green-line with hedges against risk.
We need a regime change in this country.… If we launch a pre-emptive strike on Iraq we lose all moral authority.
At the end of the day, we're defined by our predicament, not by the sides of town.
We reveal our joys and successes, we conceal our pain.
If the American people in a matter of months can love the people of Kuwait, whom they have not seen, they can love the people of our nation's capital just as well.
I know they are all environmentalists. I heard a lot of my speeches recycled.
Ronald Reagan was older than I was when he ran for president.
We must all learn a good lesson - how to live together.
Republicans are the party of 'no,' and Democrats are the party of 'don't know' because it hasn't fought for bold ideas, policies, or plans to turn us in a new direction.