It's impossible for me to disentangle how much of my storytelling urge is the product of growing up with novelist parents and how much is a genetic legacy from those same parents.
When I was four, we went to Oahu. It was the first time we celebrated Passover away from home.
I don't intend to write the same kind of book for the rest of my life because I feel I would not be satisfied only writing in one mode.
I had some trepidation about working with someone else, especially a family member. You don't want work to affect your personal relationship.
Aside from a brief stint as a writing tutor during graduate school, I have managed to avoid respectable employment all my adult life.
There was a time, after I earned my graduate degree and before I sold my first novel, when it looked like I might have to get an office job.
Being a member of the Nintendo generation, I've got a really short attention span.
In general, the human race is still a young organism.