I don't have the support inside Washington or even inside my own party.
I would support a devolution of power out of Washington for education, health care, transportation.
I don't even like playing a contentious role.
If you remember you just have one constituent, and that's God himself, and if you try to please him I think you usually come with a lot steadier pace and a lot more peace in your life.
I'm not a kingmaker.
Heritage will remain, first and foremost, a research institute dedicated to impeccable research and data-driven policy analysis.
As more people rely on government programs, the harder it becomes to conduct the necessary reforms to preserve them to help our society's most vulnerable.
I've developed a lot of reform proposals myself and been accused of trying to destroy Social Security, when the whole point was to try to save it. I think most people know that Social Security is bankrupt.
We must now make clear to Lebanon that it will not benefit from U.S. assistance and support as long as it harbors this brutal terrorist and murder.
I want to find the candidates who understand the principles of American exceptionalism and have the character, the courage, and the confidence to actually lead the greatest nation in the world.
Anyone who says the Republicans have been irresponsible aren't looking at the facts.
We have been blessed with a healthy, growing economy, with more Americans going back to work, and with our Nation acting as a positive force for good in the world.
I'm getting optimistic. I think, as I talk to people around the country - they seem to get it. They want a return to those things that made America different and great.
I believed the only thing that could turn around this government spending and mounting debt would be if the people rose up.
One of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad.
I don't need to be asking for money for local museums and other projects just to make me look good back home.
What we need is some people to stand up with the courage of their convictions, to do what they promised when they ran for election, and fight to stop Obamacare.
If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.
I play the guitar a little bit.
I don't think Obama will get re-elected.
I have been on shop floors. I have talked to a lot of the companies that create jobs in South Carolina and across the country. And what they want is less regulation.
Sometimes people credit me for the Tea Party. It's actually the other way around.
First of all, no candidate is going to win by catering to the alleged Occupy Wall Street vote.
You could accuse Republicans of a lot of things, but you could never convict us of being too conservative!