The Democrats have essentially decided to move more toward central power, control of just about every aspect of our culture and economy.
I went through two pretty dark years being fed up with the system and frustrated with my own party after two disastrous elections in 2006 and 2008.
What happens in the Senate is the Republicans sink to the lowest common denominator.
The Heritage Foundation is the premier think tank, research organization. The premier idea group for the conservative movement.
It has always been my plan not to serve more than two terms.
I can tell you if you look at the polls, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, they do not think we should increase the debt limit.
American businesses and upper incomes pay a larger portion of the federal taxes of our national taxes than any country in the world.
The hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread of the failed and discredited socialist policies that have been the enemy of freedom for centuries all over the world. I fear America is teetering towards tyranny.
Something happens to me when someone says, 'You can't.' I'm generally not very competitive; unless someone tells me I can't do something that should be done.
Ideas are more powerful than people.
So, the point I'm making is, we are not going to cut spending in Washington if we think it's the job of every congressman and senator is to pave local parking lots and build local sewer plants. These parochial interests are getting in the way of the national interests.
Forget the consultants, the pundits and the pollsters; good policy is good politics.
Well, we lost a lot of our independence already. We are dependent on China for credit. We are dependent on Middle Eastern countries for energy supplies. And many Americans are dependent on the government for their income, health care, education of their children, food stamps.
If we become too scared to confront the chief problems of our time, there is no hope of ever solving them.
I just want people to know that if they want to change the direction of the country, they can do it, but only if they're active, informed, and engaged.
A free and stable Iraq will be a shining light against the shadow of Islamic extremism.
California is going to take themselves off the cliff culturally and economically, fiscally. They are going to be at the trough in Washington wanting a bailout.
It doesn't make sense to have to do the wrong thing in order to do the right thing.
I drive Fords, and I've driven American cars all my life, and I want to have a strong American manufacturing sector, especially in automobiles.
I know I was a businessman for years, and I stayed up countless nights worrying about having to let one person go. It's a terrible thing to do.