I love writing. I really look up to Lena Dunham, who writes and directs her show. That's something I might want to do when I'm older.
I just love to sing and dance and act. Being on stage is an amazing feeling.
None of my friends really have Twitter. They mainly all have Facebook. I have Facebook too, but I like Twitter more.
I am in love with every member of One Direction.
Most days, I'll wear lipstick. It's always been a thing for me - my mom has a lot of them, and I'd always use hers. Eventually, I started buying my own because my mom has lighter hair and lighter skin, so we don't always look good in the same colors.
I'm really bad at liquid liner, so whenever I have time to do it, I'll try, but it takes me a really long time.
Some people say, 'Maude Apatow is my spirit animal.' I get that a lot. They tweet it to me.
When I get nervous, my voice gets very high.