Plots- it seems there are thousands of them, all one's acquaintances known some, strangers make a present of them in letters, each the basis for a play or a novel...
Max Frisch -
Man hat Arbeitskräfte gerufen, und es kamen Menschen.
Max Frisch
THANATOS AND EROSthe American for that is:CASUAL SEX.
Max Frisch -
What makes Shakespeare so overwhelming is the way in which the situation (who is confronting whom) is usually itself part of the composition, meaningful already as a situation
Max Frisch -
Cause and effect are never divided between two people
Max Frisch -
Where the works gives scope for individuality, one sees a blossoming of self respect
Max Frisch -
I know that I'm the happiest of lovers...
Max Frisch -
You can lose a woman when you have won her.
Max Frisch
Technology... the knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to experience it.
Max Frisch -
It is a sign of non love that is to say a sin, to form a finished image of ones neighbors.
Max Frisch -
There are all sorts of ways of murdering a person or at least his soul, and that's something no police in the world can spot.
Max Frisch -
It is the secret that a man and a woman keep from each other that makes them a couple
Max Frisch -
Not to know one another to a degree that went beyond all possibility of knowing one another was beautiful.
Max Frisch -
You hold the pen like a needle in a seismic observatory, and in fact it is not we who write, but rather we are written. Writing means to read oneself
Max Frisch
(Present) it is a culture that strictly ignores present obligations and places itself entirely at the service of eternity
Max Frisch -
Strictly speaking, every citizen above a certain level of income is guilty of some offense.
Max Frisch -
How can we ever judge a human being when he is and he will always be another person
Max Frisch -
It's precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life.
Max Frisch -
Overcoming prejudice: the only possible way through love, which creates no graven images.
Max Frisch -
My reality doesn't lie in the part I play, but in the unconscious decision as to what kind of part I assign to myself.
Max Frisch
To write is to read one's own self
Max Frisch -
Basically America (the USA) is not a warmongering but simply a commercial society: war as the continuation of business by other means.
Max Frisch -
How much self-knowledge is limited to presenting other people with a more precise and exact description of our weaknesses.
Max Frisch -
They wanted what is possible only once: the now.
Max Frisch