Rance: Were your relations with your secretary normal?Prentice: Yes.Rance: Well, Prentice, your private life is your own affair. I find it shocking none the less.
Truscott: I'm no fool.Fay: Your secret is safe with me.
Mrs Prentice: Are you ashamed of the fact that you write to strange men?Prentice: There's nothing furtive in my relationship with the editor of The Guardian.
I was approached to do a film script for the Beatles. I said it would have to be an absolutely original script. Paul McCartney said do whatever you like. I said that means you'll never be able to do it.
Fay: What will you do when you're old?Hal: I shall die.Fay: I see you're determined to run the gamut of all experience.
McLeavy: I'm innocent. (A little unsure of himself, the beginnings of panic) Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Fay: Your explanation had the ring of truth about it.. Naturally I disbelieved every word.
McLeavy: My duty is clear.Truscott: Only the authorities can decide when your duty is clear. Wild guesses by persons like yourself can only cause confusion.
Geraldine: At least give me back my clothes. I feel naked without them.
Prentice: This appalling situation is the result of my lax moral code. It's clean living and Teach Yourself Woodwork for me from now on!
Prentice: It's a fascinating theory, sir, and cleverly put together. Does it tie in with known facts?Rance: That need not cause us undue anxiety. Civilizations have been founded and maintained on theories which refused to obey facts.
Mrs Prentice: You put me in an impossible position.Nick: No position is impossible when you're young and healthy.
Rance: How shocking! His abnormal condition has driven him to seek refuge in religion. Always the last ditch stand of a man on the brink of disaster.
Geraldine: I'm quite sane!Rance: Pull yourself together. Why have you been certified if you're sane? Even for a madwoman you're unusually dense.
Truscott: How dare you involve me in a situation for which no memo has been issued.
Prentice: I'm not mad. It only looks that way.Rance: Your actions today would get the Archbishop of Canterbury declared non-compos.Prentice: I'm not the Archbishop of Canterbury.Rance: That will come at a later stage of your illness.
Prentice: What this young woman claims is a tissue of lies.Match: This is a boy, sir. Not a girl. If you're baffled by the difference it might be as well to approach both with caution.
Truscott: Why aren't you both at the funeral? I thought you were mourners.Fay: We decided not to go. We were afraid we might break down.Truscott: That's a selfish attitude to take. The dead can't bury themselves, you know.
Truscott: Do you realize what I'm doing here?McLeavy: No. Your every action has been a mystery to me.Truscott: That is as it should be. The process by which the police arrive at the solution to a mystery is, in itself, a mystery.
McLeavy: Where did I go wrong? His upbringing was faultless. Did you lead him astray?Dennis: I was innocent till I met him.Hal: You met me when you were three days old.