I had a baby with no pain medicine, mainly because most people I talked to didn't think I'd be able to do it. So there!
As you fall in love with friends, you want to spend more and more time with each other.
Any character, for me, always comes together in the hair, makeup, and wardrobe. Shoes especially. For some reason, shoes really do it for me because they help me figure out how the character walks.
I love Banana Boat's brand. They don't test on animals; they're natural. Their kids' products are amazing.
And then I went to 'Dawson's Creek,' which is a show that was, for better or for worse, all about the language. It was a word-perfect show, which I'd never had any experience with. And it was really shocking for me. I felt really hemmed in. At the time, it wasn't my favorite working experience.
In high school I had some famously egregious fashion missteps. I was really out there in fashion, I think because I wanted attention. I would wear crazy patterns, skin-tight pants and giant platform shoes.
Very quickly, kids take your plan and say, 'Ha!' so you have to learn to be adaptable, or you will be literally miserable.
I love my nose! I was so nervous when I got pregnant that I was going to get that weird nose spread that you sometimes see pregnant ladies get.
Also, this is what a pregnant Busy Philipps does in her free time, I'm taking master fondant cake decorating class with Anna from 'Ace of Cakes' at Duff's Charm City Cakes. It's, like, 4 three-hour classes.
The rugs that I picked out and the pillows with the little owls, sort of like whimsical throw pillows - I feel like you can never enough whimsical throw pillows in your house, in your life. My husband probably disagrees.
I love proving that I can do something.
I think people find a lot to relate to in my social media, being a mom, and trying to live my best life, and I'm a fan of Oprah and other things people are fans of, and my heart breaks when there are tragedies, like everyone else, and I want to help.
No one cares what you ate for breakfast. Unless it's something really spectacular, don't tweet me your breakfast, I don't care.
My children make me cry on a daily basis about everything. Tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of sadness - all the tears, all the time.
I would never be on a reality show.
Nobody wants to see a bejeweled pregnant lady from top to bottom.
I have to make a dress out of recycled materials for my kid's preschool 'Project Runway'-like assignment. I'm currently fusing plastic bags.
My husband has no desire to work with me; don't get it twisted. He gets paid a lot of money to write giant movies. He's not into humoring me with my projects. But, that being said, I did have the story credit on 'Blades of Glory,' and writing is something that I've always been interested in pursuing more.
I certainly know women who had children, quit their jobs, and still have full-time nannies. That's who these women are: Even to the detriment of their own relationship with their kids, they want to appear perfect Martha Stewart moms.
I love that we've chipped away at the celluloid closet and have wonderful programs that feature gay and lesbian characters in really rich, fully developed ways.
I don't ever feel like I have to stop myself from complaining about how hard it is to be an actress. I mean, it's not that hard.
As an actor, it's always fun when you're able to feel like there's freedom to explore things and try out jokes and be funny.
As a television actor, when we work in TV, what we're doing is making a product so that networks can sell ad space.
I'm somebody who doesn't work with a stylist. I'll be honest with you, I'm a mom and it's just not something I want to put money toward because it's expensive to have somebody who helps dress you and I feel like I have to pay for preschool and so many things... so I don't have a stylist.