We found in 'The Matrix' that people were willing to accept something more. It was a smarter film.
There aren't a lot of guys like me left. But I'm a war horse. I've been through it all. And you know something about war horses? Through the sleet, through the snow, they just keep going.
My movies have always done pretty well in the UK - 'The Matrix' films did very well in this country and I do like the crews here and the people we're working with here.
When I read 'Watchmen,' it changed my view of so many things. It was the first time I'd read a graphic novel really like that.
Press conferences are good. I have my own philosophy about press conferences. I usually think that when they don't like the movie, they ask about other things.
I'm a guy that wants the movie to work. So whatever it takes or whatever you got to do - I'm happy to do.
I really was very impressed with DMX during the whole experience on 'Romeo Must Die.' I like working with him. I liked him. And I was very impressed with the reaction of the audience when he was in the picture.
I did five movies in Australia, I did three films in Germany, this is the fourth film I've done here in the UK, I've done a bunch of films in Canada.
I did my acting performance in 'Roger Rabbit.' I think I did a voice-over also in 'Osmosis Jones' and I directed an episode of my show years ago, 'Tales from the Crypt' and that's my endeavors in the non-producer oriented ranks.
I always had the ability to throw a frisbee pretty well. I don't why.
The reality is that each movie has got to be seen in its own light.
I've made a lot of stupid action films in my life but I like stupid action films and am kind of proud of them.
The action genre is kind of designed for a young male audience. But we found on 'The Matrix' that we hit the Valhalla of movie making, which is the four quadrant audience - the young male audience, the older male audience, the young female audience and the older female audience.
You need the right people to kind of help make these things real.
When California provides the same value as other locations, I'd gladly shoot all my pictures here.
I'm not looking to... I'd like to build my company and make a bigger company always, but I think in the behind the scenes arena is where I'd prefer to spend my time.
Well, I haven't really been able to shoot in California for a while. Little movies yeah, but the big movies we can't shoot there. It's just a shame that Arnold Schwarzenegger can't deliver on this level.
The dubbing of the music and effects is really incredible today. You're feeling gun shots. I mean, it's not the way people say it is, but the gunshot sounds real. And cars sound real. Among the many things in the evolution (of movies) is to make the sound in the movie incredible. That's what you feel.
If the audience sees and feels things are real, then they buy it.
I think once every person on the planet sees 'New Moon' and there's nobody left who hasn't see it, then I think they'll be able to go see 'Ninja.'
The only problem is I can't get into PG-13 Land. I just get stuck in R rated movies, which they would love us to make PG-13 movies but I never get there. But I think that you've got to make them different. You've got to switch them up.
You know for years before the notion of sequels, actors were the franchise. John Wayne would rarely do sequels, but he kind of played the same guy with a different name in every movie. I have no problem with using actors as franchises. And that's what is fun to do.
Our responsibility as filmmakers is to make things that are fresh, unique and original.
The core of the movie business remains intact and it's not descending in scope. Studios want movies that are bigger than ever.