With the emergence of the Internet, it has become possible for creative and bold people with focus and determination to establish businesses in some of our remotest communities. But these will not work if they do not have reliable transport routes responding to the impatient modern customer.
The big issues, the things that scar Scotland - the least of them is whether we should have a border at Gretna Green or not.
We do students a great disservice by implying that one set of students is more important than another.
I want to change Scotland, but the only way we can change Scotland is by changing the Scottish Labour Party.
That's a really healthy thing - family will always protect you from yourself.
I firmly believe that Scotland's place is in the U.K., and I do not believe in powers for power's sake.
The instinct of the Labour Party is if there's a problem, change the leader, then sit back, fold your arms and wait to be disappointed because they're sure it's not going to deliver.
What I will say will not always please you, but what I say will always be honest and true and how I genuinely see it.
We will renew our party, to rebuild our land - and we will do it by being a better Labour, real Labour, Scottish Labour.
There is a danger of Scottish politics being between two sets of dinosaurs... the Nationalists who can't accept they were rejected by the people, and some colleagues at Westminster who think nothing has changed.
My uncle was skipper on the old Claymore sailing out from Oban to the Inner Hebrides. My father worked for MacBraynes all his life, on freight boats and then on ferries crossing to Skye, Barra, Uist, the small isles and Iona.
Separation and devolution are two completely different concepts which cannot be mixed together. One is not a stop on the way to the other.
We must listen and learn, show humility and seek again to talk for and to people's ambitions and concerns.
The Labour Party in 2011 was in an exceptionally bad place. We'd been hammered in an election. We didn't see the scale of it coming.
The Scottish Labour Party, while I have breath in my body, will listen to the views of trade unionists.
The Scottish Labour Party and its renewal are more important than me.
Our task is a great one, not just because of how far we have fallen. Our task is a great one because of the challenges facing the people we seek to serve.
Telling the truth, and confronting the challenge, is what politics is about.
The government don't want to talk about the consequences of the choices they make. They pretend there aren't any consequences.
In my mind, the CalMac ferry is linked with the joy of arrival, the sadness of departure, the loss of loved ones brought home by ferry to rest in island soil. It is friendships made and a working life begun.
The test is can you do something, rather than have a theoretical argument - can you make a difference?
I love hard political debate and I love beating somebody on a political point but what I'm more frustrated by is the politics where you play the man not the politics.
If I believe we need free personal care, we need an honest discussion about what it costs with a well-managed, well-trained workforce.
If I have learned one thing in life, it is never to take any man's own estimate of himself. He could very well be mistaken.