I've operated on people from Canada that have come to Wyoming for me to take care of them because they couldn't afford to wait long enough for their free operation.
It will be up to Congress to check the president's ambition of committing the U.S. to an international green scheme that will produce little or no return.
Everywhere I travel around my home state of Wyoming - but also around the country - I continue to hear, 'How can Washington make us buy something we don't want to buy, a product? They can't tell us to buy breakfast cereal or something else - how can they do that?'
The Obama administration seems to have lost the will to win. The terrorists have not.
We need to level the playing field so that people who buy insurance individually at the same tax rates as those who buy it than get it through work. We need to be able to let people to shop across state lines for better deals with insurance that works for them and their family, not something the government says they have to have.
The Russians continue to say that they'll still go after terrorists, but that's a very elastic term. They're going after anybody they want. I don't trust them.
Americans want real solutions and good jobs.
Our state has a balanced budget. We have to live within our means in the state of Wyoming. I was in the state senate. This country needs a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
Humans are contributing to additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
When it comes to international trade, the question is, who is going to write the rules, the United States or China? And my vote is the United States.
Families will now have to prove to the IRS that they have Washington-approved and government-mandated insurance.
The National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 needs to be updated to reflect our growing communities.
President Obama wants a climate deal and is willing to pay dearly to get it.
I'm fortunate to live in Wyoming, one of the most beautiful, pristine places in the world.
What people are seeing is that the cost of their care and their insurance is going up faster since Obamacare has been passed than if the healthcare law had not been passed at all.
The concern is that Iraq could actually ultimately defeat ISIS, but Iran will have taken over the country, because it will be their military, their boots on the ground controlling the ground.
I'm a conservative and I believe if you tax something more you get less of it.
I have to tell you as a doctor, 25 years of practice, not as a politician using talking points, as somebody who has taken care of Medicare patients, we can make it a lot better.
I'm telling you, as a doctor who spent about half of his time in the office taking care of our seniors on Medicare, it is a program that intentions to work are much better than the way it's working today in terms of practicality.
The priority is to put bills on the president's desk that will move the country forward.
I was in the state Senate in Wyoming, and we actually legislated. We offered amendments on bills and voted on things.
The EPA's climate change regulations are based on compromised scientific reports and heavily flawed data.
The whole future, I think, of Wyoming and the economy has to do with coal and our clean coal technology, and we're going to have the ability here in Wyoming to deal with all of the things of this so-called climate change.
States that scrap their state-run Obamacare exchanges are admitting they've wasted millions of dollars in federal grants. It's only fair that states have to pay American taxpayers and the federal government back for their total incompetence.