You would always beat me; not so much because you are a better fighter as because you will not accept defeat.
A reader should know what he might reasonably expect under a particular label.
In the early stages of writing children's books, an experienced lady editor said that while girls read boys' books, the converse was not true, and I may have been influenced by that.
The apple which tempts my characters is the one that will remove the knowledge of good and evil. I suppose it's something of a reversal of the conventional Eden story: Freedom of thought is perhaps the greatest good, and needs to be fought for and sacrificed for.
The original version of 'The White Mountains' was probably just about worth publishing.
We had been friends. We could not become strangers. It left only one thing: we must be enemies.
Before you have faith you must believe, and before you believe there must be evidence of some sort to persuade the mind. Faith is remembering that evidence and holding to it against all that seems to challenge or contradict it.
The secret of success in battle lies often not so much in the use of one's own strength but in the exploitation of the other side's weaknesses.