Having companies like PotashCorp based in Saskatoon or Cameco based in Saskatoon that have worldwide presence but have the head office jobs, the head office managers and head office employees in your local economy are important from a job creation and wealth creation point of view.
I think, if you create the right economic framework in terms of government policy, that Saskatchewan can continue to succeed and grow. Instead of having people migrate from Saskatchewan, they will be migrating to Saskatchewan.
I've been called Mr. Patient Money because I have the patience to work through challenging circumstances.
It's more important to fly midpoint in deals and work together than to try to haggle for the last dollar.
Anybody can do a deal. The tough part is doing the deal at the right time, being strategic.
From a Canadian partisan perspective, the more we can upgrade bitumen in Canada, the more we can create jobs in value added, in tax revenues for all Canadians.
On a given day, you can have market fluctuations where prices fluctuate far more than the underlying economic value of the unit.
All of us are going to have to find ways to do things more efficiently, find ways to get our costs more in line, and do it in a time of higher regulatory and environmental standards.