A manly form at her side she saw, And joy was duty and love was law. Then she took up her burden of life again, Saying only, 'It might have been'.
Each crisis brings its word and deed.
We seemed to see our flag unfurled,Our champion waiting in his placeFor the last battle of the world,The Armageddon of the race.
So fallen! so lost! the light withdrawnWhich once he wore;The glory from his gray hairs goneFor evermore!
To eat the lotus of the NileAnd drink the poppies of Cathay.
Press bravely onward! - not in vain Your generous trust in human kind; The good which bloodshed could not gain Your peaceful zeal shall find.
The Night is Mother of the Day,The Winter of the Spring,And ever upon old DecayThe greenest mosses cling.
Perish with him the folly that seeks through evil good.
Strike! Thou the Master, we Thy keys,The anthem of the destinies!The minor of Thy loftier strain,Our hearts shall breathe the old refrain -'Thy will be done!'
Alas for maiden, alas for Judge, For rich repiner and household drudge! God pity them both! and pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall; For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'
The harp at Nature's advent strungHas never ceased to play;The song the stars of morning sungHas never died away.
Maud Muller, on a summer's day, Raked the meadows sweet with hay. Beneath her torn hat glowed the wealth Of simple beauty and rustic health.
What is good looking, as Horace Smith remarks, but looking good? Be good, be womanly, be gentle,-generous in your sympathies, heedful of the well-being of all around you; and, my word for it, you will not lack kind words of admiration.
Yet sometimes glimpses on my sight,Through present wrong the eternal right;And, step by step, since time began,I see the steady gain of man;
Beauty seen is never lost.
Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
Low stir of leaves and dip of oarsAnd lapsing waves on quiet shores.
We lack but open eye and earTo find the Orient's marvels here;The still small voice in autumn's hush,Yon maple wood the burning bush.
All hearts confess the saints elect,Who, twain in faith, in love agree,And melt not in an acid sectThe Christian pearl of charity!
Weary lawyers with endless tongues.
Better heresy of doctrine than heresy of heart.
The Beauty which old Greece or RomeSung, painted, wrought, lies close at home.
As yonder tower outstretches to the earthThe dark triangle of its shade aloneWhen the clear day is shining on its top;So, darkness in the pathway of man's lifeIs but the shadow of God's providence,By the great Sun of wisdom cast thereon;And what is dark below is light in heaven.
I know not where His islands liftTheir fronded palms in air;I only know I cannot driftBeyond His love and care.