He that will not whan he may, Whan he would, he shall haue nay.
John Heywood -
She looketh as butter would not melt in her mouth.
John Heywood
Let the world wagge, and take mine ease in myne Inne.
John Heywood -
Reckeners without their host must recken twice.
John Heywood -
Beggars should be no choosers.
John Heywood -
Cut my cote after my cloth.
John Heywood -
Burnt child fire dredth.
John Heywood -
Thrée maie a kepe counsayle, if two be away.
John Heywood
The grey mare is the better horse.
John Heywood -
All thing is the woorse for the wearing.
John Heywood -
There is no fire without some smoke.
John Heywood -
No man ought to looke a given horse in the mouth.
John Heywood -
A woman hath nine lives like a cat.
John Heywood -
Small pitchers have wyde eares.
John Heywood
There is no fyre without some smoke.
John Heywood -
Leape out of the frying pan into the fyre.
John Heywood -
Ye set circumquaques to make me beleue Or thinke, that the moone is made of gréene chéese.
John Heywood -
To robbe Peter and pay Poule.
John Heywood -
Yes yes (quoth she) for all those wyse woordis vttred, I know on which syde my bread is buttred. But there will no butter cleaue on my breade. And on my bread any butter to be spreade. Euery promise that thou therin dost vtter, Is as sure as it were sealed with butter.
John Heywood -
Men say, kinde will creepe where it may not goe.
John Heywood