The Internet is a wonderful thing, but it opens the door to many crimes, so you have to stay ahead of it.
His chutzpah and his imagination in the scams and stings he pulled off were so imaginative and so courageous. Amazing. I loved the fact that he could pull off all of those professions. In a way, he's sort of the anti-hero that you root for, even though you know he's going to have to pay a price and go to jail
I have to be honest with you: When the FBI let me out of prison early to advise the agency on preventing fraud, I wasn't a changed person. I wasn't rehabilitated. But when I started working with the FBI, one of the most ethical groups of men and women in the world, I couldn't help but have some of that character rub off on me.
It's amazing how much information we share in social media, then we wonder why people steal our identity.
What I did in my youth is hundreds of times easier today. Technology breeds crime.
Remember what being an adult is: It has nothing to do with money or awards.
Frank Abagnale could write a check on toilet paper, drawn on the Confederate States Treasury, sign it 'U.R. Hooked' and cash it at any bank in town, using a Hong Kong driver's license for identification.
If I wanted to lay down a baby con, I could say I was the product of a broken home. But I'd only be bum-rapping my parents.
When I look back at my life now, I'm not amazed by what I did at 16 to 21.
It's quite flattering to have Leonardo DiCaprio play you in the movie. He's a great-looking young man.
I didn't like taking money from individuals.
Technology breeds crime and we are constantly trying to develop technology to stay one step ahead of the person trying to use it negatively.
Most people don't reconcile their bank accounts.
I did not make this film about Frank Abagnale because of what he did . . but because of what he has done with his life the past 30 years.
If you look at any successful professional - a salesperson, a marketer, a real estate agent, a trader - they all have the same qualities as the con man. The only difference is that one side uses their talents in the right direction and the con man is taking the easy way out.
I don't do online banking.
Only one thing makes a man a man. He loves his wife, is faithful to her, and puts his wife and kids as the most important things in life.
I have never witnessed, nor will I live long enough to witness, a more simplistic crime than me stealing your identity.
Most people don't recognize me, but they know my name. TSA people rarely recognize my name, ironically, and they are the security people.
Criminals look at identity theft and say only 1 in 700 criminals gets convicted of it. And they look at check forgery and they know that for every 1,400 forgers arrested, only about 123 get convicted and about 26 go to jail. So the rewards are great, but the risks are very slim. So that's one of the reasons that make it very popular.
It's amazing to me that we live in such a wonderful country where anyone can have a problem in life and get up, dust themselves off and start all over again.
Had I been older, I would've never been able to pull it off because I would've analyzed it to death. When I was 16, there was no such thing as 'what if.'
I use a shredder for bank statements and phone bills. Most people use ribbon shredders that cut things straight: we can put those back together in an hour. Look for a security microcut shredder, which cuts papers into confetti.
If I had been brilliant or a genius, I wouldn't have needed to break the law just to survive.