The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
The Irish famine of 1846 killed more than 1,000,000 people, but it killed poor devils only. To the wealth of the country it did not the slightest damage.
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.
Democracy is the road to socialism.
Nothing can have value without being an object of utility.
Revolutions are the locomotives of history.
In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality.
The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.
The directing motive, the end and aim of capitalist production, is to extract the greatest possible amount of surplus value, and consequently to exploit labor-power to the greatest possible extent.
History does nothing; it does not possess immense riches, it does not fight battles. It is men, real, living, who do all this.
In every stock-jobbing swindle everyone knows that some time or other the crash must come, but every one hopes that it may fall on the head of his neighbour, after he himself has caught the shower of gold and placed it in safety.
A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst of architects from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality.
The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.
Capital is reckless of the health or length of life of the laborer, unless under compulsion from society.
A commodity appears at first sight an extremely obvious, trivial thing. But its analysis brings out that it is a very strange thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties.
The very cannibalism of the counterrevolution will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.
As a beast of toil an ox is fixed capital. If he is eaten, he no longer functions as an instrument of labour, nor as fixed capital either.
The only possible solution which will preserve Germany’s honor and Germany’s interest is, we repeat, a war with Russia.
The country that is more developed industrially only shows, to the less developed, the image of its own future.
Medicine heals doubts as well as diseases.