The way that customers pay businesses is constantly evolving. Instead of paying with paper, like cash and checks, businesses are expected to accept a variety of payment methods ranging from credit cards to digital payments.
The relationship between you and your boss will change over time. When you just started out, that boss was your mentor and took you under their wing. As a seasoned employee, though, you no longer need your boss to guide you along. You should be able to handle tasks on your own.
I see good personal financial management as setting - and keeping - a budget.
While digital wallets are paving the way for the future of payments, you still need to assess whether or not they'll work for your business. If your target audience are less tech-savvy or you're primarily a cash-only business, it may not be worth investing too much into accepting digital payments.
Each piece of content you create should lead your readers further down the path to purchase. Typically, sales and leads won't happen until a prospect has had multiple points of contact with you, so don't expect sales after a single blog post.
It's a challenge to grow professionally and move up the corporate ladder when you're not receiving feedback on your performance.
The goal of content marketing is to create content that people actually want to read/view. If you're being blatantly promotional, there's a good chance your content marketing efforts are falling flat.
Whether you write down your to-do lists in a notebook or use a tool like Evernote, to-do lists can be a real life-saver, since it reduces the stress of trying to remember things like a meeting or what you need to pick up at the grocery store.
I get work done in half the time if the family is still asleep. When my family wakes up, I've already had a productive morning and am ready to enjoy breakfast with them before I start conquering the rest of my day.
If your manager is one that isn't engaged with your career development by offering frequent advice and guidance, it's time to look for greener pastures.
In a time when consumers desperately want to trust businesses - but they just don't - influencer marketing is one way to overcome this problem.
I find in most circumstances, people leave bosses, not companies.
Relationships are full of compromises.
Horrible bosses may be one of the reasons why we decide to leave a company, but they can also teach us how not to lead teams when we have that responsibility.
Wealthy individuals are known for spending their money wisely. This means living below their means by skipping the McMansion and impractical luxury vehicles.
I want to hear from my team in a way that they know they don't have to hold back. I've made it clear that there are no repercussions for brutal honesty. I let them know that we want to hear about anything they feel is not working for the company.
No matter what position you're in, if you are receiving poor feedback from clients, co-workers, or in performance evaluations, then that's one of the clearest signs that you're not cut out for the job, or it's not right for you.
I've had to listen to candidates tell me they are the most wonderful thing since the invention of sliced bread, and it bores me to death. It also makes me doubt that they are actually any good at all - plus it's an attitude that would never fly in the culture I've created in my company.
Just because you're married doesn't mean that you have to spend 24/7 together and can't have separate interests and hobbies. In a healthy relationship, you both understand - and respect - that you need time apart doing what you want to do.
During the negotiation process, it's common for misconceptions to occur, since both parties assume what the other person is saying or thinking. This can lead to conflicts or disagreements.
When you think of customer research, chances are you think of surveys. Used alongside other strategies, they can be an important way to learn more about your customer's needs, wants and habits.
The world of marketing is all about trends and the ability of marketers to identify and cultivate them.
An influencer with a small but loyal and engaged following can often have a far greater impact than one with a much larger fan base.
Better to take smart risks and focus on winning because, if you don't, your competition will!