No man is the wiser for his learning; it may administer matter to work in, or objects to work upon; but wit and wisdom are born with a man.
Idolatry is in a man's own thought, not in the opinion of another.
Of all actions of a man's life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of our life tis most meddled with by other people.
Commonly we say a judgement falls upon a man for something in him we cannot abide.
Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because 'tis an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him.
Preachers say, Do as I say, not as I do.
Prayer should be short, without giving God Almighty reasons why he should grant this, or that; he knows best what is good for us.
Scrutamini scripturas (Let us look at the scriptures). These two words have undone the world.
No man is the wiser for his learning.
Tis not seasonable to call a man traitor, that has an army at his heels.
Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice; and yet everybody is content to hear.
Wise people say nothing in dangerous times.
The House of Commons is called the Lower House, in twenty Acts of Parliament; but what are twenty Acts of Parliament amongst Friends?
It's not the drinking to be blamed, but the excess.
Pleasure is nothing else but the intermission of pain.
Old friends are best.
Never tell your resolution beforehand.
The law against witches does not prove there be any; but it punishes the malice of those people that use such means to take away men's lives.
In quoting of books, quote such authors as are usually read; others you may read for your own satisfaction, but not name them.
Gentelmen heve ever been more temperate in their religion than common people, as having more reason.