Many people thought that, given my knowledge of the egg, I should analyse embryonic mutants.
It is very clear that the present system of innovation for medicines is very inefficient and really somewhat corrupt. It benefits shareholders over patients; it produces for the rich markets and not for the poor and does not produce for minority diseases.
The Wellcome Trust is a hugely important organisation, and it is vital that its fundraising continues unabated.
The free market is the epitome of life itself. This is something that all scientists recognise because science itself operates on free market lines.
When it came to choice of subjects, science was obvious - since I was uninterested in anything else - but a decision that caused consternation in some eyes was my demand to take biology for A-level.
The strong evidence is that we're running out of space. We're collectively affecting the world's climate. This is due to the still-growing human population and our increase in consumption.
On my mother's side, I come from Midlands engineers and, on my father's, from tenant farmers near Oxford.
The myth is that IP rights are as important as our rights in castles, cars, and corn oil. IP is supposedly intended to encourage inventors and the investment needed to bring their products to the clinic and marketplace.
The fruits of science and innovation have nourished our society and economy for years, but nations unable to navigate our regulatory system are often excluded, as are vulnerable individuals.
The fact is that proprietary databases don't work for such basic and broadly needed information as the sequence of the human genome.
Biomedical research is only as good as its delivery. Distribution of medicines by charities is no more than a stopgap.
You have to say - and I do - that anything that blocks that cheapest possible point-of-care delivery of health is wrong.
In order to protect the market value of a proprietary database, the owner must prohibit redistribution of the contents - otherwise, the information would quickly leak out and be widely known.
Title deeds establish and protect ownership of our houses, while security of property is as important to the proprietors of Tesco and Sainsbury's as it is to their customers.