I have some girls who I look back on and I think, 'Wow, they were really horrible to me.' I would love an apology from a few girls, but whatever. I'm not holding any grudges. I'm over it.
I have superfine, superoily hair, so my struggle is always trying to get the volume I want. I end up not doing much with it ever.
Betty White is a riot. She is a good time! That is the bottom line: Betty White is a good time. She is really an incredible woman. She is so kind. She doesn't have one mean bone in her body, and she is the funniest woman in the room always. And you'll never hear one complaint from her.
Richard Gere's got this very old-school Hollywood charm. He has a presence that when he's in a room you just feel him. I mean, I'm married, but he's sexy!
I'm kind of in between organized and messy, so if I have the right things to keep me organized, it's easier for me to stay that way. If I don't have the right tools, I'm a train wreck.
When you're shooting a movie, it's two months of your life usually. You don't really have time to see anybody else. Your friends are put on hold while you're shooting, and what you have is the family that you create on set.
My first audition happened to be for 'Kindergarten Cop,' and I took that role. I was only starting to learn English at that point. Spanish is my first language, so they made me a speaking character in the movie. I didn't really know I was shooting a movie. I was just having a lot of fun with 30 kids my own age.
I'm Latin, for crying out loud - I can't hold anything back!
When you're bullied in high school, even if it's the smallest amount, or you're actually tortured, I feel like everybody carries that with them. They always think of that one person who treated them badly in high school.
I used to try to pick locks because I grew up on my grandparents' farm and I started my own little spy club. I would go around the farm and try to break into the shed and try spying on my grandpa. It was ridiculous.
Hiking is something that I really, really like to do. It's distracting, you're in nature, and you get a nice workout that way. I would tell everyone to hike as much as they can - you just feel so much better when you get outdoors. I'm also into yoga.
I just love scary movies. I love the thrill.
I think everyone should live in New York City if they ever get the chance at least once in their life. It's such a great place to live; there's a different energy about living in the city.
I did a voice for this video game called 'Fallout 3,' and that was really fun. I had a great time, especially since I could show up in PJs and not have to worry about how I looked.
I'm Cuban, so I like a bit of curve. I just want my booty to have a little lift!
Beauty is what attracts men naturally, but really I think we dress for other women, not necessarily for men. We torture ourselves every single day, and I wish that we wouldn't because we should all just get along, really.
I'm kind of a crazy person about hand sanitizer. I carry the plain ones that smell like aloe, from Target or CVS.
I can't even be around children. It's a problem. My ovaries start screaming.
I like second chances. I've given people second chances. You have fall-outs with friends, and forgiveness is a great thing to have. It's not easy to forgive. I definitely don't forget, but I do forgive.
I love all sorts of music. I'm really into Damian Rice and Amos Lee.
It's very intimidating looking at the script and realizing that you have to say medical jargon as if you've said them a million times before, and they're just a part of your vocabulary. But that's what preparing is for, and you can't just really wing it. You've got to really know what you're doing.
'The Exorcist' is absolutely my favorite horror film, and I watched it when I was, like, seven years old with my mother for the first time. I don't know why my mom let me watch that. I couldn't go to the bathroom by myself. I couldn't go upstairs by myself. I couldn't sleep.
Rihanna is always on my playlist. I think she pumps you up and gets the day going. I also love - and I know this doesn't sound like a workout album - the Lumineers, lately, and Taylor Swift.
I think I'm pretty fearless. I like to try things at least once, things that I never thought that I would try.