This country was formed for the white not for the black man. And looking upon African slavery from the same stand-point, as held by those noble framers of our Constitution, I for one, have ever considered it, one of the greatest blessings that God ever bestowed upon a favored nation.
A people whose souls are so little tuned to joy.
When told by a constituent that he would rather vote for the devil, Wilkes responded: 'Naturally.' He then added: 'And if your friend decides against standing, can I count on your vote?'
That, sir, depends on whether I embrace your mistress or your politics.
We are very excited about the diversity of artists and performances.
Tell my mother I died for my country. I did what I thought was best.
Earl of Sandwhich . . .You shall either die of the pox or on the gallowsJohn Wilkes . . . That sir depends on whether I embrace your mistress or your politics
We've patched some roofs, cut a lot of trees and cleared roads, and we've given out a lot of food and water and ice.