My life's not about being gay - although one could argue I'm pretty professionally gay - but that's not how I experience life. Being gay is a profound part of who I am, but it isn't all of who I am.
I'm on Twitter every single week. It's sort of like being a playwright standing in the back of the theater.
I think so much of adolescence is about finding your tribe, and what kids today have that we did not have is access to the whole world.
We try to not write stories based on reaction. We try to write them based on character integrity as we understand it and observe it.
I believe that young kids have agency and can make a difference in the world.
It's a lot harder to write a story that's compelling about identity and sense of self without some villain in the room.
We prioritize access to guns to such a degree that we are traumatizing an entire generation of children.
I'm interested in the ways that we're all broken.
It's a very generational thing: I am not interested in labels. I am who I am. I will love who I love, and that's the way it is going to be.
We, as a culture, use television as at least one of the great arbiters of truth. Even though we know it's fiction, when we see it portrayed, we believe it. We recognize it as part of our culture.
Nothing is ever off the table at 'The Fosters' as long as it's based in reality.