Johnny Van Zant Quotes
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The President's post should not be politicised. Once a president is elected, he is above politics.
President Obama has contempt for real money.
So my one kid's 4, my other kid's 4 months, I'm 44, Barack Obama is the 44th president - it's all lining up nicely here.
President Reagan has no enemies in the Phillipines.
If I have any advice to give to the Syrian president it is to cooperate for the sake of the investigation or for the sake of uncovering the truth.
That's the premise of the Saudi Arabians. He's holding the president's hand with one. In the other hand, he's got his hand in the pocket of American consumers.
The president is being denounced for not taking the kind of pre-emptive action in Afghanistan that he has been so passionately denounced for taking in Iraq. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
We don't want a president who fails at domestic and foreign policy.
I read that my lifelong dream is to serve as speaker with Hillary Clinton as president. So what?
I tend to agree with many aspects of President Obama's policies.
Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.
I was the network president. I thought I knew everything.
President Obama and Secretary Clinton created a vacuum the way they got out of Iraq, because they got out - what, they shouldn't have been in, but once they got in, the way they got out was a disaster. And ISIS was formed.
There is one thing about being President - nobody can tell you when to sit down.
Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.
As a concerned American citizen, I apologize to President Bush (news - web sites) because my remark was disrespectful. I feel that whoever holds that office should be treated with the utmost respect.
I cannot believe the president searched the country and was unable to find a qualified female nominee, ... More likely, he was unable to find a qualified female nominee who satisfied that far right wing of the Republican Party.
Anderson [Cooper]!Hillary Clinton is running as the first female president who has a sitting president and first lady much more popular than she will ever be.
I think in places like Pennsylvania, there`s folks who want our next president to talk like a hawk, but fly like a dove.
I didn't say 'former president,' I said 'president,' and I have the constitutional rights according to the constitution, including immunity from prosecution.
If they hear people running for - president... despite all the other problems that George W. Bush made after 9/11 when he basically said after going to a mosque in Washington, "We are not at war with Islam or Muslims. We are at war with violent extremism. We are at war with people who use their religion for purposes of power and oppression."
There are many people like me who believe firmly, if somewhat incoherently, that pockets on this planet are filled with what humans have left behind them, both good and evil, and that any such spiritual accumulation can stay there forever, past definition of such a stern word.
It's wanting that gets so many folks in trouble.
You don't go to some other country and bash our president.