The notion of religious liberty is that you cannot be forced to participate in a religious ceremony that's not of your choosing simply because you're out-voted.
You will be pleased to know I stand obediently for the national anthem, though of course I would defend your right to remain seated should you so decide.
This Campaign will provide a voice for Americans who believe in both a free church and a free state. We want religious liberty free from interference from the government and a free government that does not become an instrument for imposing religious beliefs on people who do not share them. That is what the founders of America meant to insure when they separated church from state.
The problem is not one of rogue cops. The problem is a problem of rogue leadership. The problem is a problem of immoral leadership. We have heard a lot about public morality and moral leadership in the last year. But very little of it focuses on the immoral conduct we're complaining about today.
If this becomes a permanent barrier to employment and volunteering because of the use of this technology, then you're locking in the racial discrimination already in the system and multiplying its effect to a devastating degree.
Civil liberties victories never stay won, but must be fought for over and over again.
The first exception [to the First Amendment] will not be the last.
The real point is that all this is happening without rules and boundaries and thought and legislation. The information is now so unlimited and so discretionary, and the privacy issues spring from that lack of boundaries.