I don't want to paint a picture of total gloom and doom.
I'd be kidding if I said that I predicted the financial collapse.
Culture follows power.
I enjoy writing but I much prefer the experience of having written.
There is a huge crisis of employment in America, in the Western world in general.
If you go to India the roads are being built almost entirely with private sector money and by the private sector. If you look at many, many countries in Europe that's how they're doing it.
If a senator calls me up and asks me what should we do in Iraq, I'm happy to talk to him.
I'm largely in favor of financial reform.
The American dream seems to be thriving in Europe not at home.
I should not be judged by a standard that's not applied to everyone else.
The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell.
I think that liberals need to grow up.
The great drama of Russian history has been between its state and society. Put simply, Russia has always had too much state and not enough society.
The Chinese economy's still not that much of a consumer economy.
In the 1990s, we were certain that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal. In fact, his factories could barely make soap.
One of the great dilemmas for America will be that American companies will do very well while American workers might not.
Whenever societies do well, they believe that there is something in their cultural DNA that made it happen.
Whenever someone says the word community, I want to reach for an oxygen mask.
Conservatives used to believe in confronting hard truths, not succumbing to comforting fairy tales. Some still do.
The technological revolution at home makes it much easier for computers to do our work.
Things happening around the world are affecting you and me.
The tallest building in the world is now in Dubai, the biggest factory in the world is in China, the largest oil refinery is in India, the largest investment fund in the world is in Abu Dhabi, the largest Ferris wheel in the world is in Singapore.
If we didn't have the rest of the world growing, the United States economy would be in much worse shape than it is today.
You know, when the cost of capital goes down, when credit becomes cheap, people start taking greater and greater risks.