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You can't enter the Olympics unless you do your routine to get in shape for it. The idea of going out on stage on a tour without having prepped for it would be suicide, literally.
I'm damn successful but I got here by not taking crap. I still don't take crap, so if anybody needs a champion, let it be me.
Whenever anybody comes to me with a way that I can give something back, it would be ungrateful at this point in my life to not say yes.
Anybody with money can put on a KISS show, but they can't be KISS.
Core strengthening is key to everything. It's not just about the way I look, but about stabilizing my body so I can perform better on stage.
The only thing I can say is consistent in all my paintings is vivid color.
If I had my way, I'd always be onstage. But I won't always be able to be onstage.
I think KISS has always been about celebrating self-empowerment. Celebrating the idea that anything is possible with determination and hard work.
If I write for myself, I write a song and I bring in the musicians that are best suited to play it. There's a freedom there.
Don't kid yourself; the guy who's onstage in ripped-up jeans is wearing as much a costume as I am.
When you're in a position to have gotten so much, the gift at this point is giving back.