It is useless to advise solitude for everyone; one must be strong enough to endure it and to work alone.
A great sentiment can be rendered immediately. Dream on it and look for the simplest form in which you can express it.
Art is either revolution or plagiarism
A young man who is unable to commit a folly is already an old man.
Without delay I began work, without hesitation and all of a fever.
Civilization is what makes you sick.
Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one's will.
There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite.
I must confess that I too am a woman and that I am always prepared to applaud a woman who is more daring than I, and is equal to a man in fighting for freedom of behavior.
I have always wanted a mistress who was fat, and I have never found one. To make a fool of me, they are always pregnant.
Concentrate your strengths against your competitor's relative weaknesses.
Art a mad search for individualism.
One's state of mind is three-quarters of what counts, so it has to be carefully nurtured if you want to do something great and lasting.
A critic is someone who meddles with something that is none of his business.
I plunged eagerly and passionately into the wilderness, as if in the hope of thus penetrating into the very heart of this Nature, powerful and maternal, there to blend with her living elements.
Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty?
Thanks to our cinctures and corsets we have succeeded in making an artificial being out of woman. She is an anomaly, and Nature herself, obedient to the laws of heredity, aids us in complicating and enervating her. We carefully keep her in a state of nervous weakness and muscular inferiority, and in guarding her from fatigue, we take away from her possibilities of development. Thus modeled on a bizarre ideal of slenderness to which, strangely enough, we continue to adhere, our women have nothing in common with us, and this, perhaps, may not be without grave moral and social disadvantages.
Night is here. All is at rest. My eyes close in order to see without actually understanding the dream that flees before men infinite space; and I experience the languorous sensation produced by the mournful procession of my hopes.
How do you see those tree?... They are yellow. Well then put down yellow. And that shadow is rather blue. So render it with pure ultramarine. Those red leaves? Use vermillion.
Do you know what will soon be the ultimate in truth? - photography, once it begins to reproduce colors, and that won't be long in coming. And yet you want an intelligent man to sweat for months so as to give the illusion he can do something as well as an ingenious little machine can!
Stay firmly in your path and dare; be wild two hours a day!
I have come to an unalterable decision - to go and live forever in Polynesia. Then I can end my days in peace and freedom, without thoughts of tomorrow and this eternal struggle against idiots.
When the physical organism breaks up, the soul survives. It then takes on another body.
Many excellent cooks are spoilt by going into the arts.