There are two sorts of beauty; one is the result of instinct, the other of study. A combination of the two, with the resulting modifications, brings with it a very complicated richness, which the art critic ought to try to discover.
Civilization is paralysis.
A nude by Degas is chaste. But his women wash in tubs!
Soon I'll be old and I've done precious little in this world for lack of time. I am always afraid I'll become senile before I've finished what I've undertaken.
By the combination of lines and colors, under the pretext of some motif taken from nature, I create symphonies and harmonies that represent nothing absolutely real in the ordinary sense of the word but are intended to give rise to thoughts as music does.
Lacking many of the essential implements, it irritated me to be reduced to impotence in the face of artistic projects to which I had passionately given myself.
Life is hardly more than a fraction of a second. Such a little time to prepare oneself for eternity!
What still concerns me the most is: am I on the right track, am I making progress, am I making mistakes in art?
Life is merely a fraction of a second. An infinitely small amount of time to fulfill our desires, our dreams, our passions.
Whatever may happen the sun will rise tomorrow as it rose to-day, beneficent and serene.
In Europe men and women have intercourse because they love each other. In the South Seas they love each other because they have had intercourse. Who is right?
Many people say that I don't know how to draw because I don't draw particular forms. When will they understand that execution, drawing and color (in other words, style) must be in harmony with the poem?
I was aware that on my skill as a painter would depend the physical and moral possession of the model.
Literary poetry in a painter is something special, and is neither illustration nor the translation of writing by form.
In painting one must search rather for suggestion than for description, as is done in music.
Oh mysterious world... I have become better for having understood and having loved thy human soul - a flower which has ceased to bloom and whose fragrance no one henceforth will breathe.
Happiness and work rose up together with the sun, radiant like it.
We never really know what stupidity is until we have experimented on ourselves.
A critic in my house sees some paintings. Greatly perturbed, he asks for my drawings. My drawings? Never! They are my letters, my secrets.
It is well for young men to have a model, but let them draw the curtain over it while they are painting.
It was so simple to paint things as I saw them; to put without special calculation a red close to a blue.
The critics can say stupid things and we can enjoy them, if we have the legitimate feeling of superiority - the satisfaction of a duty accomplished.
My eyes close and uncomprehendingly see the dream in the infinite space that stretches away, elusive, before me.
A bit of advice, don't copy nature too closely. Art is an abstraction; as you dream amid nature, extrapolate art from it, and concentrate on what you will create as a result.