Evil isn't a cosmological riddle, only just selfish human behavior.
Novels begin, not on the page, but in meditation and day-dreaming - In thinking, not writing.
Art is about freedom of expression, and should not be molded to fit any propaganda or lofty ideal.
Writing is a solitary occupation, and one of its hazards is loneliness. But an advantage of loneliness is privacy, autonomy and freedom.
Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another's skin, another's voice, another's soul.
How lovely this world is, really: one simply has to look.
Loneliness is dangerous ... because if aloneness does not lead to God, it leads to the devil. It leads to the self.
Read widely, and without apology. Read what you want to read, not what someone tells you you should read.
Beauty is a question of optics. All sight is illusion.
Not what the mind sees, but what the mind imagines the eye must see.
Technique holds a reader from sentence to sentence, but only content will stay in his mind.
A writer’s life is in his work, and that is the place to find him.
Art is the highest expression of the human spirit.