I like to do projects that challenge me, and hopefully in turn challenge the audience, or open your eyes to something you're not aware of.
It's hard to tell what people realize. Everybody's different and has a different understanding of the difference in times.
I like my anonymity - that when I meet people they don't know me.
I read a lot of books. So, usually when I go home I try to re-charge my batteries and absorb new stories to become inspired again.
Director Park always talked to me about her in a very innocent way, that the story was of her coming of age and her sexual awakening and her going from girl to woman and that she had the same desires and hopes as other young people in terms of being very infatuated, which comes in the form of her uncle, which is very unconventional.
I really loved it because it really informed his way of seeing my character and the story. If you look closely he always had this metaphor of an egg, of a little chick pecking her way out of a shell, and in one scene in the kitchen there are all these white plates on a wall and then in the middle there is a yellow plate so even that looks like an egg. And a lot of the furniture was almost sculpted in that way as well. It was really cool to see that.
Feminism is just about equality, really, and there's so much stuff attached to the word, when it's actually so simple. I don't know why it's always so bogged down.
It sounds corny to say, but it was really inspiring seeing kids that were just living and connecting with people. That was something I really understood, the need and want for connection, and fun, and it not needing to be sympathetic, just sort of good fun.
There's a whole language to movement and how you embody someone, and how you can use different techniques for different characters. I guess just posture, and the way you walk, and the way you physically are. All of that says a lot about who someone is.
I think it's possible to have the kind of career you really want if you want to. You just don't do the things you don't want to and you just have to be cool with waiting for something to come around that you really feel passionate for.
With dance, you learn to channel nerves into energy, excited energy. It's sort of similar when you walk into an audition room, to be able to go takes deep breath and then go in real calm. It was in those ways that it really helped me.
Just wearing the corset means that you can never really relax from the moment that you put it on. So, there's a constant sort of strain and you have to hold yourself in a certain way. It's very uncomfortable. But again you instantly understand the repression that women feel and how much they were captives. It's sort of sad really.