The best ads are about the customer and how the product will change his life.
Our actions are all that separate our daydreams from our goals.
People in business are uniquely unqualified to see their own companies and product objectively. Too much product knowledge causes them to instinctively answer questions no one is asking.
The first step in exceeding your customer's expectations is to know those expectations.
Preparation, mastery, can help you overcome your fear, but mastery alone is not enough. There has to be something you want that’s worth more to you than your fear.
67% of all shoppers intend to return home with the item they are shopping for, but that only 24% actually do so.
The risk of insult is the price of clarity.
A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again.But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.
Small thoughts fit easily into a closed mind, but big thoughts require an open one.
Referring to an event in an untold story is a powerful technique rarely used.
It is a lack of commitment, not a lack of talent, that damns you to mediocrity.
Use half as many words and they'll hit twice as hard.
Five minutes in an old book quickly reveals that most of what is being sold today as new insights into human behavior is merely the rediscovery of knowledge we have had for centuries.
Opportunity never knocks. It hangs thick in the air all around you. You breathe it unthinking, and dissipate it with your sighs.
LOTTERY TICKET: a voluntary tax paid by people who are extremely bad at math.
Take your inspiration from wherever you find it, no matter how ridiculous.
Everyone is broken a little, I think, and the most broken of all are those who pretend they are not.
Any investment in sales training is an investment in your own gross profits.
People don't trade money for things when they value their money more highly than they value the things.
The first step in persuasion is to entice your target to imagine doing the thing you want them to do.
For every five sales you make, another nine customers who had hoped to buy from you will leave your store disappointed and empty-handed. This means your existing store traffic can give you 2.8 times your current sales volume, if you sell only those customers who are ready to buy. The only thing more expensive than hiring a sales trainer is not hiring one. Any investment in sales training is an investment in your own gross profits.
HE WORLD LOOKS AT YOU and sees one person; you look in the mirror and see another.
Rescuing people from the results of their own foolishness is really what customers service is all about. Customers rarely obey the rules. They expect you to rescue them whenever they do something stupid. Will you be a “rescuer,” known far and wide for customer service, or will you steadfastly insist that your customers follow the proper procedures?
Sad is the man who has no place to put his faith other than in himself.