Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart.
Rumi -
If the Beautiful One is not inside you, then what is that Light hidden under your cloak?
A moment of happiness, you and I sitting on the verandah, apparently two, but one in soul, you and I. We feel the flowing water of life here, you and I, with the garden's beauty and the birds singing. The stars will be watching us, and we will show them what it is to be a thin crescent moon. You and I unselfed, will be together, indifferent to idle speculation, you and I. The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar as we laugh together, you and I. In one form upon this earth, and in another form in a timeless sweet land.
Rumi -
Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be mad.
Rumi -
In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.
Rumi -
There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it.
Rumi -
Let yourself be drawn by the strange pull of what you love. You will not be led astray.
Rumi -
You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.
I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within
Rumi -
Close the language door and open the lovers window. The moon won’t use the door, only the window.
Rumi -
To live without you is to be robbed of love and what is life without it? To live without you is death to me, my love but some call it life.
Rumi -
Do not see yourself as a body of clay, see yourself as a mirror reflecting the divine beauty.
Rumi -
At the end of my life, with just one breath left, if you come, I’ll sit up and sing.
Rumi -
When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousands chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul.
This is what love does and continues to do. It tastes like honey to adults and milk to children.
Rumi -
Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.
Rumi -
The soul has been given its own ears to hear things mine doesn't understand.
Rumi -
The heart has its own language. The heart knows a hundred thousand ways to speak.
Rumi -
Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.
Rumi -
Into this new love, die your way begins on the other side become the sky take an axe to the prison wall, escape walk out like someone suddenly born into color do it now.
Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Rumi -
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.
Rumi -
Let silence take you to the core of life.
Rumi -
Don't flounder in the preambles of the past Wounded with regrets; don't let autumnal Nostalgia blind you to the sounds and scents Of the present's Spring; you're a native of The pellucid moment, make it infinite beyond The curving snake of passing time and space. Learn to die in the infinitely elusive moment.