Write it down in your own handwriting.
Eugene Ormandy -
The next movement is still in the factory.
Eugene Ormandy
I don't mean to make you nervous, but unfortunately I have to.
Eugene Ormandy -
I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar.
Eugene Ormandy -
It is not together, but the ensemble is perfect.
Eugene Ormandy -
I told him he'd have a heart attack a year ago, but unfortunately he lived a year longer.
Eugene Ormandy -
I don't get into politics, general or musical, but just call me if you get jury duty. Even in New Jersey I was able to help somebody.
Eugene Ormandy -
Yes, the mutes are already on. You took them off in the beginning.
Eugene Ormandy
Please follow me because I have to follow him and he isn't here.
Eugene Ormandy -
Let's start at 35 because I don't know where it is.
Eugene Ormandy -
I can see none of you are smugglers; that's why it's so loud.
Eugene Ormandy -
At every concert I've sensed a certain insecurity about the tempo. It's clearly marked 80...uh, 69.
Eugene Ormandy -
Start three bars before something.
Eugene Ormandy -
Why do you always insist on playing while I'm trying to conduct?
Eugene Ormandy
Think of your girlfriend or boyfriend or whomever you want to.
Eugene Ormandy -
Intonation is important, especially when it is cold.
Eugene Ormandy -
Congratulations to each and every one of you for the concert last night in New York and vice versa.
Eugene Ormandy -
I was trying to help you, so I was beating wrong.
Eugene Ormandy -
It has no rhythm, but it will because it's so much faster.
Eugene Ormandy -
Thank you for your cooperation and vice versa.
Eugene Ormandy
After two minutes after this time, and I am already there.
Eugene Ormandy -
I wrote it the right way, so it was copied the wrong way right. I mean the right way wrong.
Eugene Ormandy -
We do not know when he is coming. He is coming tomorrow.
Eugene Ormandy -
I'm conducting slowly because I don't know the tempo.
Eugene Ormandy