I've seen attack ships on fire on the shoulder of Orion, I've seen moon beams glisten at the Ten hauser gate, all those memories, lost like tears in the rain.
Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it gladly. Because there is no work, love, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave.
Then he releases a dove and dies while sitting in a rain storm
I don’t make the decision about what percentage of good guy or bad guy I play. For some reason, if I put my energy into the bad guy, that scares people. It’s magic.
Maybe you'll end up like me, a hobo with a shotgun.
I hate acting when I see it. I don't want to feel it, I don't want to see it, I want to be taken away with the story - I don't want the actor's ego in front of me. That's what I try to live when I do the work.
It took me a long time to find out that I was born to be an actor. It was the last thing on my list, although my list was very small. I didn't know what to do. But kids weren't supposed to know what to do back then; we were all cute and we'd find out what we'd do later in life.
I hate guns, I think they're the worst thing ever invented.
You really can't say enough about 'Blade Runner.' For that movie to have such a long life - you can't describe what a beautiful feeling that is. Initially, the movie was out of theaters in something like two weeks. But the people that wanted it back - the fans - they really saved it.
I don't want to tell them what to take away from a movie, I think a movie should tell that.
I think it's dynamite, the way my career has just kept moving, even when people didn't know it did. I made such interesting films, but, yeah, they're not necessarily the big movies that go to the supermarket. I don't need those movies, because I don't wanna do them.
Well, of course, every actor's limited, and I am the first one to admit it, in all honesty, when I think that I've hit the wall a bit. I'm not ashamed at all, I think it's a process that you have to go through. That's how you learn.
Most of the real bad guys in the world are people like you and me; they're not stupid, and you can't smell their horns.
People think if you're a movie star, you're the boss. But first of all, I'm not a movie star, I'm in a very different place. I'm not looking to do what I want - I am looking for what we can find. It's a creative process.
By not going to school I learned that the world is a beautiful place and needs to be discovered.
I think one third of my work is with first-time directors because I think I should, you know? Really, the difference between a first-time director and a second- or third-time director - I mean there's no director who makes enough movies anyway - but if they're talented, they have it. And there is no movie that is perfect.
Martial arts is like dance. It's so beautiful and what I love about the martial arts mostly is that what it basically says is you take their energy and you redirect it. Then if you need to, use it on them. That whole thing about redirecting energy I love.
The funny thing is most people don't approach me because they are scared, and that's fine, I want to keep it that way. But the thing is if you're not scared or get over it you learn that sometimes what you're scared of is really what you shouldn't be scared of.
"Good guy" or "bad guy", hero or anti hero; doesn't matter to me, what role I play, only the character have something magical.
‘Blade Runner’ is such a unique film. How do you describe a diamond? I don’t think you should ever touch it again.
I'm way bigger than people think I am. I'm way bigger. I've been underrated all my life, and that's fine. I have privacy. I can walk the street without being hassled. I can be a regular guy. The price to give that up is so horrible. When you become a part of the hysteria - it's not completely in my hands - you have to hide.
If you've done what you need to do, you need to go bury yourself, because what else are you going to do? I think that that's where life stops.
Nobody's seen all my work. No one. No one in the world has seen all my movies. Some things just never came out... some things may still come out.
I don't mind reminding people it's a movie, or that you're telling a story. Everybody knows this, but for some reason, we want to be real. I don't get it, I like the fakeness of my craft. I don't think the audience minds-they all know we're making a movie.