Duncan Sheik and I are trucking along on 'American Psycho,' which is sort of the anti-Superman, you know? But it's a lot of fun, too, in a much, much darker way, obviously.
I grew up reading comic books. Super hero comic books, Archie comic books, horror comic books, you name it.
Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.
Musicals and horror movies are my two favorite genres because they're about extremes.
When you tell people you're a playwright, their eyes sort of glaze over. But when you say you write the 'Fantastic Four' or 'Spider-Man,' they perk up. It's a touchstone that has gained more credibility as artistic expression.
I've never read 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,' although I certainly know what that is. And what I love about that concept is as much as it's a zombie story, it's also 'Pride and Prejudice.'
I'm finding that I'm working with more and more Latino artists, and that's exciting.
I am drawn to Americana, and I am drawn to gothic stories, and I love American gothic stories.
One of my comics is read by more people - around 70,000 - than will see my entire run at Manhattan Theater Club. That puts things in perspective.
I'm a huge Stephen King fan.
Comics are in my blood. It's my strange addiction, and I love it.
I love the idea of writing these huge, bombastic characters; I'll stay in the superhero world as long as I can.
One of my favorite graphic novels of all time is Grant Morrison's 'Earth-2.'
One of the best things that happened for me as a playwright is becoming a comic-book writer.