First, one scrambles for wealth. Then, one luxuriates in mocking the effeteness that comes with it.
I think we've gotten to a point where we're becoming really sensitive to things like body dysmorphia, but I think it's gone too far, where people are accusing everyone of hating themselves.
Assimilation, not success, is the American end game.
It was not a secret, then or now, that there is something vaguely un-American about forcing your child to be really good at classical music performance.
It's a classic error in American discourse: the conflation of race with culture.
I'll come out and say it because no one else will: French gross-out humor is the best. Particularly the illustrated variety.
Can you think of a single situation, no matter how grave, where the atmosphere would not be instantly shattered with a loud fart - or a drawing of a butt? There is no faster way to create universal common ground.
As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day; that doesn't mean you should run out and buy one.
You can call double-eyelid surgery wrong or see it as evidence of body dysmorphia, but don't overplay the race issue. It's insulting to those of us who are merely vain.
As I found again and again as a writer, when you're completely honest about something, people respond to that.
Bad things happen when you try to let things just happen. You can't be passive.