If you go to probably any jury trial in Baltimore that involves violence, either an assault or murder, and watch the voir dire, to me, that's when you get a sense of what it's like to live in Baltimore.
People just like a good crime story; they want to know who did it.
I love serialized stories of any kind. I'm a huge sucker for any kind of series.
I've been a radio reporter for ten years, and if I learned anything from my time at 'This American Life,' it's how to craft a narrative so that even if the ending is ambiguous, it is somehow satisfying.
It would be great to do a story and get somebody who is innocent out of jail. That's a wonderful thing.
I think that if journalists, reporters who spend a lot of time on a story, are honest with themselves, we all have feelings about our subjects - I mean, unless you're a robot.
Not to be weirdly glib, but as a reporter, you should be honest all the time.
I like stories where there's a center that's mushy and complicated.