Sean Hampton Quotes
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Through every victory and every setback, I've insisted that change is never easy and never quick; that we wouldn't meet all of our challenges in one term, or one presidency, or even in one lifetime.
I think the mental victory is worth it as much as a gold medal.
The Party of the Regions has won a convincing victory. We are ready to undertake responsibility for forming the Cabinet and we are calling on everyone to join us.
I never deviated from my grim determination to someday have all the money I needed and wanted.
But Socialism, alone, can bring self-determination of their peoples.
What we know is that the environmental movement had a series of dazzling victories in the late '60s and in the '70s where the whole legal framework for responding to pollution and to protecting wildlife came into law. It was just victory after victory after victory. And these were what came to be called 'command-and-control' pieces of legislation.
Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
Gail Devers -
But I'm good to go through my contract with Childress, and my determination is to win races and try to win that other championship.
The great majority of the nobility and gentry of England clung to the doctrine and ceremonies of the ancient church, and yet were united in determination to oppose the papal claims.
The race may not always be to the swift nor the victory to the strong, but that's how you bet.
It is a law of human nature that in victory even the coward may boast of his prowess, while defeat injures the reputation even of the brave.
Every woman must live by some sense of victory over disappointments, and Olympias was not the sort of woman to find compensation in her own powers of self-control and endurance.
I propose the immediate launching of a nuclear strike on the United States. The Cuban people are prepared to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the destruction of imperialism and the victory of world revolution.
I've seen America in this campaign, and I like what I see. It's worth fighting for and that's a fight I'll never stop. As for the battle that ends tonight, I do believe, as my father once said, that 'No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.'
It was announced as a French victory by the French Minister of War. I did not see any sign of victory but only the retreat of the French forces engaged in the battle.
The elections in Iraq are a victory for freedom and the Iraqi people, and a blow to the transnational network of terrorists who have tried to prevent this day from happening.
Chess is a sport. The main object in the game of chess remains the achievement of victory.
I used to lie awake at night, willing myself to put in the hard work, the determination, the passion.
One must not cheat anyone, not even the world of its victory.
Bump in my hoopty hoopty hoop. I own that. And I aint payin my rent this month. I owe that.
I may be biased, but I think I have the best readers ever.
Victory is the child of preparation and determination.