You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.
Sit down and put down everything that comes into your head and then you're a writer. But an author is one who can judge his own stuff's worth, without pity, and destroy most of it.
No one asked you to be happy. Get to work.
I believe there are more urgent and honorable occupations than the incomparable waste of time we call suffering.
I love my past, I love my present. I am not ashamed of what I have had, and I am not sad because I no longer have it.
To write is to pour one’s innermost self passionately upon the tempting paper, at such frantic speed that sometimes one’s hand struggles and rebels, overdriven by the impatient god which guides it - and to find, next day, in place of the golden bough that bloomed miraculously in that dazzling hour, a withered bramble and a stunted flower.
A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up.
It is not a bad thing that children should occasionally, and politely, put parents in their place.
The true traveler is he who goes on foot, and even then, he sits down a lot of the time.
Don't cudgel your brains over my little problems.
Sincerity is not a spontaneous flower nor is modesty either.
The lovesick, the betrayed, and the jealous all smell alike.
When she raises her eyelids it's as if she were taking off all her clothes.
Hope costs nothing.
You do not notice changes in what is always before you.
There are no ordinary cats.
Time spent with a cat is never wasted.
Books, books, books. It was not that I read so much. I read and re-read the same ones. But all of them were necessary to me. Their presence, their smell, the letters of their titles, and the texture of their leather bindings.
I am indebted to the cat for a particular kind of honorable deceit, for a greater control over myself, for a characteristic aversion to brutal sounds, and for the need to keep silent for long periods of time.
As for an authentic villain, the real thing, the absolute, the artist, one rarely meets him even once in a lifetime. The ordinary bad hat is always in part a decent fellow.
- and how time flies! What, has it already been twenty years, already forty years that we are together? Why, how terrible! We haven't yet said all we wanted to say to each other... May we have a little respite, or else may we be allowed to begin all over again!
We only do well the things we like doing.
What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner.
That lovely voice; how I should weep for joy if I could hear it now!