The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.
Henry Ward Beecher -
A man that is afraid is never a man.
Henry Ward Beecher
The advertisements in a newspaper are more full knowledge in respect to what is going on in a state or community than the editorial columns are.
Henry Ward Beecher -
Men do not avail themselves of the riches of God's grace. They love to nurse their cares, and seem as uneasy without some fret as an old friar would be without his hair girdle. They are commanded to cast their cares upon the Lord, but even when they attempt it, they do not fail to catch them up again, and think it meritorious to walk burdened.
Henry Ward Beecher -
A world without a Sabbath would be like a man without a smile, like summer without flowers, and like a homestead without a garden. It is the most joyous day of the week.
Henry Ward Beecher -
The religion of Jesus Christ is not ascetic, nor sour, nor gloomy, nor circumscribing. It is full of sweetness in the present and in promise.
Henry Ward Beecher -
Do not be afraid of defeat. You are never so near victory as when you are defeated in a good cause.
Henry Ward Beecher -
Many men build as cathedrals are built-the part nearest the ground finished, but that part which soars toward heaven, the turrets and the spires, forever incomplete.
Henry Ward Beecher
A man has no more religion than he acts out in his life.
Henry Ward Beecher -
God is like us to this extent, that whatever in us is good is like God.
Henry Ward Beecher -
No one can deal with the hearts of men unless he has the sympathy which is given by love.
Henry Ward Beecher -
God made the human body, and it is the most exquisite and wonderful organization which has come to us from the divine hand.
Henry Ward Beecher -
It is the end of art to inoculate men with the love of nature.
Henry Ward Beecher -
Go on your knees before God. Bring all your idols; bring self-will, and pride, and every evil lust before Him, and give them up. Devote yourself, heart and soul, to His will; and see if you do not "know of the doctrine.
Henry Ward Beecher
In the family, happiness is in the ratio in which each is serving the others, seeking one another's good, and bearing one another's burdens.
Henry Ward Beecher -
God never made anything else so beautiful as man.
Henry Ward Beecher -
Flowers may beckon todwards us, but they speak todward heaven and God.
Henry Ward Beecher -
If God but cares for our inward and eternal life, if by all the experiences of this life He is reducing it and preparing for its disclosure, nothing can befall us but prosperity. Every sorrow shall be but the setting of some luminous jewel of joy. Our very morning shall be but the enamel around the diamond; our very hardships but the metallic rim that holds the opal, glancing with strange interior fires.
Henry Ward Beecher -
A man's character is the reality of himself; his reputation, the opinion others have formed about him; character resides in him, reputation in other people; that is the substance, this is the shadow.
Henry Ward Beecher -
It takes a man to make a devil; and the fittest man for such a purpose is a snarling, waspish, red-hot, fiery creditor.
Henry Ward Beecher
You have come into a hard world. I know of only one easy place in it, and that is the grave.
Henry Ward Beecher -
Tyrannies are overthrown by ideas. Armies are defeated by ideas. Nations, and Time itself, are overmatched by ideas.
Henry Ward Beecher -
A conservative young man has wound up his life before it was unreeled. We expect old men to be conservative but when a nation's young men are so, its funeral bell is already rung.
Henry Ward Beecher -
The church is no more religion than the masonry of the aqueduct is the water that flows through it.
Henry Ward Beecher