We need more children raised in the optimum situation, which is between a mom and a dad bonded together for life.
Our culture is at its best when we protect and encourage the weakest. Every life - at every stage, in every place - has a dignity beyond our imagining.
The growth in ethanol and biodiesel is something that I have worked on since I was secretary of agriculture in Kansas. I would like to see a lot more progress, because I think there is a real score to be made on this.
Every human - especially the most vulnerable, the unborn, the infirm, those ravaged by age and those desperate in despair - should be protected in law, loved, and told repeatedly of their incredible beauty and worth.
I want to make it to Heaven and be as good an influence on others as I can in that process.
No government should ever be big enough to substitute for the family.
Conservatives sometimes forget that limiting government is not an end in itself but a means to a better society.
There is a disturbing reincarnation of socialist and nationalist dictatorships raising their heads around the world and even in our own back yard. You see it in places like Venezuela and Bolivia, stoked in no small part by Cuba, and also in Central Asia, and troubling trends in Russia and China.
I grew up taking care of the pigs. I love this country that, you know, somebody can do something like that.
I went to a number of foreign countries, and during whenever I went, I would try to go to an orphanage or a home for children. And I was seeing thousands of kids around the world that needed homes.
I think personal beliefs of everybody shape everybody.
A democracy thrives on diversity. Tyranny oppresses it.
Instead of getting angry at somebody for opposing you on something, you're just praying for them. You just pray blessings on them, blessings on their family.
Our new pro-growth tax policy will be like a shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy.
I do a number of things working on human rights issues, prison recidivism rates, and then I also push and have worked a lot on the social issues of rebuilding the family.
I love Canada. Canada is a great neighbour. Canada has been a great friend and neighbor for many, many years.
This is a bipartisan effort. This is just good common sense. This is where the public wants us to go. They want us to not be so dependent on foreign oil.
The United States is a low-trade - low-tariff country.
My faith makes me willing to do things that may look like there's going to be a lot of physical difficulty. And you just go ahead and do it because you truly believe it's the right thing to do.
I think we just need to stick to our knitting on the topics and the subjects the American people care about.
I will sign pro life bills. But what people are interested in is what we can do to create jobs, grow the economy, and keep our costs under control.
There's no religious test in our country, and there shouldn't be. We're an open, competitive society.
I'd just come through cancer in 1995. Which really changed my soul. It really did. It changed me... It made my faith alive - and real. God's real.
We must do everything we can to be more aggressive in confronting Syria about what they are doing in Iraq.