Even sleepers are workers and collaborators on what goes on in the universe.
Heraclitus -
The best people renounce all for one goal, the eternal fame of mortals; but most people stuff themselves like cattle.
There is nothing permanent in the world except change.
Heraclitus -
Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed... Cool things become warm, the warm grows cool; the moist dries, the parched becomes moist... It is in changing that things find repose.
Heraclitus -
All entities move and nothing remains still.
Heraclitus -
If you do not hope, you will not win that which is not hoped for, since it is unattainable and inaccessible.
Heraclitus -
Nature loves to hide.
Heraclitus -
All things come into being through opposition and all are in flux like a river.
He who hears not me but the logos will say: All is one.
Heraclitus -
Life is a child moving counters in a game.
Heraclitus -
There is harmony in the tension of opposites, as in the case of the bow and lyre.
Heraclitus -
Applicants for wisdom do what I have done: inquire within.
Heraclitus -
The sun is new each day.
Heraclitus -
Dogs bark at what they don't understand.
Deliberate violence is more to be quenched than a fire.
Heraclitus -
The fairest order in the world is a heap of random sweepings.
Heraclitus -
Dogs, also, bark at what they do not know.
Heraclitus -
Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony.
Heraclitus -
Under the comb, the tangle and the straight path are the same.
Heraclitus -
The Sibyl, with frenzied mouth uttering things not to be laughed at, unadorned and unperfumed, yet reaches to a thousand years with her voice by aid of the god.
One must know that war is common, justice is strife, and everything happens according to strife and necessity.
Heraclitus -
To God everything is beautiful, good, and just; humans, however, think some things are unjust and others just.
Heraclitus -
No one that encounters prosperity does not also encounter danger.
Heraclitus -
The gods are immortal men, and men are mortal gods.